If your camera supports writing files to an image storage location, use this procedure to copy pictures from your hard disk or removable media to the camera. Check your camera User�s Guide to make sure this feature is supported.
1. Make sure the camera is connected to your computer and is turned on. When the Transfer window appears, close it.
2. Double-click My Computer and then double-click the camera icon.
3. Double-click the storage location where you want to copy the pictures. Position the folder so you can see the My Computer window. If you opened the Picture Card folder, pictures are stored in the DCIM/camera folder.
4. In the My Computer window, open the folder containing the pictures. Select the pictures and drag them to the folder opened in step 3. Refer to the camera User's Guide for the required location for pictures.
NOTE: You cannot rename pictures in either the camera internal memory or on a card.
Before copying pictures, check the filenames to make sure they are compatible. Filenames are limited to eight characters (A through Z) and numbers (0 through 9). Do not use spaces in the filename, extended ASCII characters (for example: accented characters, umlauts, and so forth) or the following symbols.
Asterisk (*)
Backslash (\)
Colon (:)
Greater than (>)
Grave accent (`)
Lesser than (<)
Forward slash (/)
Question mark (?)
Quotation mark, single (' ')
Quotation marks (" ")
Vertical bar (|)